Extensive collection of unparalleled playlists for the Holy Quran

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Holy Qur'an Playlists

Logo of Quran.surfAll praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. We, the Quran.surf is proudly present our playlist section. There has separate playlists for each surah, each page and special aya like ayathul kursi. There also has juzh playlists, all in one surahs playlists and all in one pages playlists. Several world famous reciters are gathering on these kinds of playlists. The fact that Quran.surf’s high quality videos and varied playlists are unparalleled in history. The person who evaluates the thing will be convinced of this fact.

Our videos highlight the Qur’an text portion along with the beautiful and heart shuddering recitation. You need to click [ ] on this icon on video to watch them in full screen. Quran.surf videos are based on the Mus’haf page layout and usually show only five lines on a screen. It can be viewed well on small mobile screens and large projector screens. Therefore, it provides a great way for those who want to learn or teach the recitation of the Qur’an well.

Holy Qur’an Playlists | Self explanatory short links

Holy Qur’an Playlists | Self explanatory bit links to open them on our YouTube channel

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Holy Quran Aya Playlists

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Holy Qur'an Playlists for special Aya

Logo of Quran.surfThis type of playlist stands for special verses like ‘Ayathul Kursi’. These include videos recited by many world famous reciters. The videos included in these playlists highlight the Qur’an text portion along with the beautiful and heart shuddering recitation. You need to click [ ] on this icon on video to watch them in full screen. Quran.surf videos are based on the Mus’haf page layout and usually show only five lines on a screen. It can be viewed well on small mobile screens and large projector screens. Therefore, it provides a great way for those who want to learn or teach the recitation of the Qur’an well.

Holy Qur’an Playlists for special Aya

Holy Qur’an Playlists for special Aya | Links to open them on our YouTube channel

Unprecedented playlist collections

Self explanatory bit links to open Unique Qur’an playlist collections on YouTube

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Holy Quran Pages All in One Playlists

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Holy Qur'an Pages All in One Playlists

Logo of Quran.surfThis type of playlist included all 604 page videos. These pages are based on the printed version (Rasm Utsmani) of the Holy Qur’an. There are separate playlists of many world famous reciters. The videos on these playlists highlight the Qur’an text portion along with the beautiful and heart shuddering recitation. You need to click [ ] on this icon on video to watch them in full screen. Quran.surf videos are usually show only five lines on a screen. It can be viewed well on small mobile screens and large projector screens. Therefore, it provides a great way for those who want to learn or teach the recitation of the Qur’an well.

Holy Qur’an Pages All in One Playlists

Holy Qur’an Pages All in One Playlists | Links to open them on our YouTube channel

Unprecedented playlist collections

Self explanatory bit links to open Unique Qur’an playlist collections on YouTube

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Holy Quran Surahs All in One Playlists

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Holy Qur'an Surahs All in One Playlists

Logo of Quran.surfThis type of playlist included all 114 videos of the surah. There are separate playlists of many world famous reciters. The videos on these playlists highlight the Qur’an text portion along with the beautiful and heart shuddering recitation. You need to click [ ] on this icon on video to watch them in full screen. Quran.surf videos are based on the Mus’haf page layout and usually show only five lines on a screen. It can be viewed well on small mobile screens and large projector screens. Therefore, it provides a great way for those who want to learn or teach the recitation of the Qur’an well.

Holy Qur’an Surahs All in One Playlists

Holy Qur’an Surahs All in One Playlists | Links to open them on our YouTube channel

Unprecedented playlist collections

Self explanatory bit links to open Unique Qur’an playlist collections on YouTube

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Holy Quran Pages Playlists

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Holy Qur'an Playlists for each Page

Logo of Quran.surfQuran.surf provides separate playlist for each page as per the printed version (Rasm Utsmani) of the Holy Quran. These include videos recited by many world famous reciters. Playlists based on Quran page are unparalleled in history. These videos highlight the text portion of the Qur’an along with the beautiful and heart shuddering recitation. These playlists make comparative study of recitations simpler. Page level videos are the main resource for our “World Wide Online Qur’an Memorization Program.”

You need to click [ ] on this icon on video to watch them in full screen. Quran.surf videos are usually show only five lines on a screen. It can be viewed well on small mobile screens and large projector screens. Therefore, it provides a great way for those who want to learn or teach the recitation of the Qur’an well.

Holy Qur’an Playlists for each Page | Self explanatory short links

Holy Qur’an Playlists for each Page | Self explanatory bit links to open them on our YouTube channel

Unprecedented playlist collections

Self explanatory bit links to open Unique Qur’an playlist collections on YouTube

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Holy Quran Surah Playlists

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Holy Qur'an Playlists for each Surah

Logo of Quran.surfQuran.surf provides separate playlist for each surh. These include videos recited by many world famous reciters. These videos highlight the text portion of the Qur’an along with the beautiful and heart shuddering recitation. These playlists make studying recitations comparison simple. This kind of playlist was a big dream for Quran listeners. It made possible here by the grace of Allah, the Almighty.

You need to click [ ] on this icon on video to watch them in full screen. Quran.surf videos are based on the Mus’haf page layout and usually show only five lines on a screen. It can be viewed well on small mobile screens and large projector screens. Therefore, it provides a great way for those who want to learn or teach the recitation of the Qur’an well.

Holy Qur’an Playlists for each Surah | Self explanatory short links

Holy Qur’an Playlists for each Surah | Self explanatory bit links to open them on our YouTube channel

Unprecedented playlist collections

Self explanatory bit links to open Unique Qur’an playlist collections on YouTube

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Holy Quran Juzh Playlists

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Holy Qur'an Juzh Playlists

Logo of Quran.surfJuzh playlists are a very distinct category in the playlist section of Quran.surf. These playlists contained the page videos for each juzh. There has multiple playlists for each juzh those recited by world renowned reciters. The videos on these playlists, highlight the Qur’an text portion along with the beautiful and heart shuddering recitation. You need to click [ ] on this icon on video to watch them in full screen. Quran.surf videos are based on the Mus’haf page layout and usually show only five lines on a screen. It can be viewed well on small mobile screens and large projector screens. Therefore, it provides a great way for those who want to learn or teach the recitation of the Qur’an well.

Holy Qur’an Juzh Playlists

Holy Qur’an Juzh Playlists | Links to open them on our YouTube channel

Unprecedented playlist collections

Self explanatory bit links to open Unique Qur’an playlist collections on YouTube

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Kuunganidzwa kwakawanda kwekutamba kusingafadzi kwekutamba kweiyo Tsvene Quran

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Holy Qur’an Playlts | Kuzvitsanangudza kupfupikisa pfupi-kubatana kuti uvazivise pane webhusaiti yedu

Kuunganidzwa kwakawanda kwekutamba kusingafadzi kwekutamba kweiyo Tsvene Quran

Chikamu chekupedzisira chezvibatanidza izvi zvinoratidza kuti nderudzii rwekutamba kwevanoita. Kune zviuru zvemazita eHD mukati memazana emazana emitambo inobatsira. Mavhidhiyo ivamavha anozivisa chikamu cheQur’an pamwe nekudzokorora kwakanaka neWorld Deviters. Aya mavhidhiyo akavakirwa pane peji reMus’haf uye kazhinji chete mitsara mishanu inoonekwa pachiratidziri. Inogona kutariswa zvakanaka pane zvidiki mbozha mafoni echiratidzo uye yakakura purojekiti skrini. Naizvozvo, inopa nzira huru kune avo vanoda kuteerera, vanodzidza kana kudzidzisa kudzokorora kweQur’an zvakanaka.

Kana iwe ukawana iyi meseji inobatsira uye yakasiyana saka inzwa wakasununguka kuti iite yako whatsapp mamiriro uye ugozvigovana. Saka iwewe unogona kushamwaridzana kune avo vanoparadzira venhaka idzi.

Holy Qur'an Playlists

Holy Qur’an Playlts | Kuzvitsanangudza zvishoma-zvinongedzo kuti uvazivise pane yedu youtube chiteshi

Special Cherechedzo: Iyi ndiyo Google yakashandurwa meseji. Nomutsa kururamisa kana iwe ukawana chikanganiso. Iyo yekutanga meseji inogona kuwanikwa kubva www.quran.surf/QuranPlaylists/

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Extensiver Sammlung vun onparelle Playlists fir den hellege Koran

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Helleg Qur’an Playlists | Selwer Erklärung kuerz-Linken fir se op eiser Websäit opzemaachen

Extensiver Sammlung vun onparelle Playlists fir den hellege Koran

De leschten Deel vun dëse Linken Et gi Dausende vun HD Videoen bannent Honnerte vu nëtzlechen Playlists. De Videoen beliicht den textuellen Deel vum Qur’an laanscht mat der schéiner Recitatioun duerch Welt berühmte Reciters. Dës Videoe baséieren op der Säit Layout vum Muschaf an normalerweis nëmmen fënnef Linnen erschéngen op engem Écran. Et kann gutt op kleng Handysfirmer a grousse Projektor Screens gekuckt ginn. Dofir bitt et eng grouss Manéier fir déi, déi wëllen lauschteren, léieren d’Recitation vun der Korgan gutt ze léieren.

Wann Dir dëse Message eenzegaarteg nëmmen nëtzlech an anescht fannt, fille sech dann gratis et ze maachen fir et Äre Whatsapp Status ze maachen an ze deelen. Also kënnt Dir och mat der Propagandisten vun dëser Guttheet verbonnen.

Holy Qur'an Playlists

Helleg Qur’an Playlists | Selwer Erklärung Bit-Linken fir se op eisem YouTube Kanal opzemaachen

Speziell Notiz: Dëst ass e Google iwwerdriwwe Message. Kindell korrekt wann Dir Feeler fannt. Den Original Message kann aus www.quran.surf/QuranPlaylists/ kritt ginn

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