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Hifz program introductory message to WhatsApp Contacts

Logo of Quran.surfIf you are joined on our World Wide Online Qur’an Hifz Program (WWOQHP) and started a WhatsApp group for the same, you can invite known or unknown persons to join your group by sending following kind of message. We also provide its WhatsApp friendly text to easily copy it.

The introductory message:

[You need to change the WhatsApp group name and its membership term from the below introductory message according to the nature of your group.]

WhatsApp friendly text for your group

“Qur’an Hifz Zone” WhatsApp group comes to you with reminding great rewards of memorizing The Holy Qur’an. We are formed amongst the girl students of Sa-adiya English Medium Residential Senior Secondary School. We provide online hifz program to achieve enormous rewards by memorizing the Holy Qur’an.

15 merits of Memorizing the Holy Qur’an

  1. Memorizing the Holy Qur’an gives best hope on immense reward.
  2. Gets VIP status in this life, death, and beyond.
  3. Safety and salvation from the Hell-fire.
  4. Memorizer of the Qur’an will be in the highest level in Jannah.
  5. Memorizer of the Qur’an honoured with a crown and garment on the Day of Judgment.
  6. The Qur’an will intercede for whoever loves it on the Day of Judgment.
  7. The Parents of the Memorizer of the Qur’an gets highest honour.
  8. The best person is the one who learns the Qur’an and teaches it.
  9. The memorizer of the Qur’an will become the role model.
  10. They are given priority in leadership of the prayer (Salah)
  11. They will be protected from Shaythan and his schemes.
  12. They are safe from the trial of the Dajjal (the great deceiver or false massiah).
  13. Every letter recited by the Memorizer Holy Quran is rewarded ten times or more.
  14. Memorizer of the Qur’an will live and grow up among the great gatherings of the Dikhr (Remembrance of Allah).
  15. Gets double reward to them who are trying hard to memorize the Qur’an

So we must NEVER give up memorizing the Qur’an even though we may struggle to learn a single verse. The Shaythan will try hard to make a person give up knowing that he will receive double rewards for it if he continues.

Allah rewards a person according to their intention and sincerity. So if one is sincere and intends to learn the Qur’an and dies whilst doing so then it may be that Allah may raise such a person amongst those who actually memorized the Qur’an. Subuhanallah!

We must NEVER think we cannot do it. Insha’Allah, we can accomplish anything we want to accomplish. The only thing stopping us is ourselves! As per the available news, if an 82 year old Grandmother can memorize the entire Qur’an then why can’t any of us?

Memorizing the Qur’an will provide us immense health benefits too. Those include:

Whats to think more!? Be ready to spend one or two hours daily for this great effort. This group will send The Qur’an page level videos to the members. The video highlights the text portion amongst the heart packed recitation. If you memorize 2 pages every week, you can complete five juzh in a year!

Now no more wait to think more! Take a strong decision and pass your name and place name to any of the admins number of WhatsApp group “Qur’an Hifz Zone”

[Change group name and membership term according to your group nature]

Further Information

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